By Robin Kaplan, IBCLC
Fan Question;
“Is it normal to start your period 4.5 months into breastfeeding my twins? Does it mean my milk will dry up? Any ideas.” [Read more…]
By Robin Kaplan, IBCLC
Fan Question;
“Is it normal to start your period 4.5 months into breastfeeding my twins? Does it mean my milk will dry up? Any ideas.” [Read more…]
By Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA
Fan Question:
“I’m trying to establish a pumping routine to have a milk stash. My daughter is a month old and I have only pumped a few times. Every time I do, she drinks my pumped milk sometime that day because I’m low after I pump. Every time I think about pumping I worry that she will need the milk, so I don’t and then I leak lol. Need some advice as to how to establish a good pumping routine and have a good stash….thanks” [Read more…]