Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!
Often when I post about a woman who has been harassed while breastfeeding in public or a blog post advocating for the fair treatment of breastfeeding women I see comments such as these:
“I breastfeed in public and have never been harassed.”
“You all must be do something different than me because I have never experienced this.” [Read more…]
Read this blog post at Breastfeeding Basics!
So yesterday I was talking this woman I know and I was expressing how Jack was having a hard time settling down for sleep in the rocking chair the night before; tossing and turning, doing gymnurstics, etc.
She said, “wean him! Why don’t you just wean him!?” [Read more…]
**Disclaimer: This post is referencing mothers who are told that they must cover, not mother’s that choose to cover.
There are attempts to control women all around us. A woman is expected to be sexy, but not so sexy that a man can no longer control his impulses. A woman is expected to be smart, but not so smart that she knows more than a man. A woman is expected to be successful, but not so successful so that she makes more money than a man. [Read more…]
bybreastfeee Brooks W
When my wife and I had our first child just over ten years ago we tried to breastfeed without too much luck. I never really saw anyone breastfeed before. Fast forward another 5 years we had our second child. Breastfeeding was going great.
Remember ten years ago I never really saw this. My wife was trying to breastfeed out in public. I was one of those guys that always said don’t do that. We will get in trouble or those dudes are staring at your breasts. I never knew laws allowed you to breastfeed in public back then. [Read more…]
Today I received an e-mail from a mother who is clearly doing her job to raise kids with a healthy understanding of the human body.
Alexis writes…
My son Eli is 6 years old and he is a fierce protector of his baby sister (Sydney, 11 months) and of me. We were in the park the other day and an elderly dude came up and asked him (Eli) if it was, “strange to see Mommy breastfeeding”. [Read more…]
By Krisdee Donmoyer
Nurse-ins are sexy.
Not hubba hubba sexy, of course. They have an allure. Many breastfeeding advocates enjoy the powerful feeling of protest, the standing in solidarity to support breastfeeding mothers and babies. Social media really amplifies the feeling, too – it’s exciting to feel swept up in something bigger than yourself, that feels so fast and furious and righteous.
By Josh Wilker
There’s a great photo of my wife and son in a park near our house. It was taken just after our son was safely over an illness that had required a trip to the emergency room. In the picture, my wife is breastfeeding Jack and the sun is shining down on both of them. Abby posted this happy picture online, wanting to share it with friends and other mothers, and doing so led her to realize that there are people capable of acting negatively to a picture of pure happiness, a mother feeding her baby in the sunlight. To some people, it was an eyesore.
II. [Read more…]