If you ever travel with your breast pump you need a bag. But not all bags are created equal. If you travel outside with your pump often (to work or simply get outside!) then your transport bag is just as important as the pump itself. Too bold of a statement? I don’t think so. If you use a standard bag that your pump comes with then you know that they make those just so that the pump and its parts fit inside. What about all of your work stuff? Your laptop, purse, lunch, diapers? Not mention trying to carry your baby… [Read more…]
11 Tandem Nursing Myths Busted
By Abby Theuring, MSW and Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC
The amount of misinformation about breastfeeding is staggering so it’s sort of surprising to me that when it comes to tandem breastfeeding the problem is that there is very little information at all! Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA and I (both of us have tandem nursed) are here to help you navigate the world of tandem nursing myths. [Read more…]
8 Tips for Breastfeeding With Boundaries
We talk a lot about breastfeeding on demand, so much that when I found myself breastfeeding a toddler I just kept right on doing it on demand! It wasn’t until I was pregnant and experiencing nursing aversion and all kinds of touched out that I started to feel drained. I birthed my new baby and embarked on tandem nursing thinking it would all be cool and I could just breastfeed the whole damn family on demand. I was losing my mind [Read more…]
A Review of Motherlove Herbal Company Nipple Cream
Let’s talk about nipples. For 35 years my nipples were not something I thought much about. They came out of my shirt in the shower and when I had sex. One afternoon, long before having kids, and in the midst of my “My Boobs Are Sexual and I’m Proud of It” stage, my coworkers started to tease me that they could see my nipples through my shirt. I was mortified, “Hard nipples?! What!? You can see them through my shirt??” They all giggled, “Yeah, Abby, we thought you knew.” [Read more…]
Weaning: Your Story. You Own It.
By Wendy Wisner
We need to come up with new language for long-term breastfeeding.
Here’s the thing: I’ve used all the terms myself. I have said I’m doing “child-led weaning.” I’ve called it “natural weaning.” I say often that I am nursing my children “until they are done.” I have called myself an “extended breastfeeder” and I have said I am nursing my kids “long-term.” [Read more…]
Badass Breastfeeder of the Week: 6-8-15
Badass April shares, “This is our first recorded (second latch) after finishing chemo and pumping and dumping for almost 5 full months. When people told me I was crazy for trying this I stuck to my guns. I wasn’t letting cancer take away my God given right to nurse my last born child. It was a battle I fought and won! Relatching was a battle too after all those months of bottles and he was1 day shy of 4 weeks old when we started chemo and just turned 6 months when I got the ok to nurse. Feel free to share away as I had a hard time finding positive stories of mommas in my situation. Most I found the moms tried to pump but ended up quitting due to the side effects of chemo!”
International Day to Normalize Breastfeeding – June 27, 2015
On June 27, 2015 the Mayor of San Diego, Kevin Faulconer, will proclaim the first International Day to Normalize Breastfeeding. You can participate by sharing one of these images below and using #NormalizeBfing and #idtNBF. This proclamation is being shared with major cities all around the world! The more you share the more the world will see! Be sure to join the event of Facebook! Click here to view the proclamation. [Read more…]
Why Would You Nurse a 4-Year-Old?
You may be expecting a snarky blog post aimed at critics of “extended” breastfeeding filled with awesome comebacks to sling around comment threads of breastfeeding posts. But I have written enough of those. A recent conversation in a thread on my own page reminded me that some people just… don’t get it. Some people just really don’t know why someone would breastfeed a toddler. They ask, “But doesn’t he eat food? Drink regular milk? Isn’t he too busy playing?” This post is dedicated to all of the people who want to know more about this. The people who ask questions, hold back judgement and have an open mind to listen to someone else’s experiences. [Read more…]
The Milky Way: Witness the Nature of Nurture
The Milky Way is an eye-opening documentary about breastfeeding and an expose’ of the pervasive formula marketing in America. The U.S. has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world; the simple act of nursing a baby elicits a broad range of reactions, especially when done in public. We show how women can reclaim their birthright and return the nursing mother to her natural and crucial role in our society. We seek to bring back the community of mothers and change the way women support each other. More than a [Read more…]