You know who has the perfect body? You do. Your body is yours, it is completely unique and no matter how you feel about it, it is the perfect vessel through which you are experiencing this life with right now. [Read more…]
A Review of the Ardo Calypso-To-Go Breast Pump
It’s kind of amazing that it was only two decades ago that the first electric breast pump for personal use was manufactured. Nowadays, if you have chosen to breastfeed, it’s likely that you have bought or at least thought about purchasing one for yourself. Lots of women pump for lots of different reasons; some women work outside the home, some women are not able to breastfeed but still want to feed their babies breastmilk, some women want to donate their milk to milk banks or other moms and still others, like me, simply want to keep an “emergency stash” of breastmilk in the freezer so we can pop out of the house once in a while for some alone time. [Read more…]
Human Breast Milk Helps a Lion Orphaned by Poaching
Badass Yana is a farmer in South Africa. On her farm she has rhinoceroses and other game. On the farm next door there are lions. Poaching of these wild animals is a big problem in South Africa. [Read more…]
A Father’s Perspective on the Similac Ad
by Danny Pitt Stoller
Mommyblogs are buzzing about the new Similac ad—called “Sisterhood of Motherhood”—which ostensibly calls for a truce in the ongoing Mommy Wars. [Read more…]
An Open Letter to Doctors About Birth and Breastfeeding
Dear Doctors,
I want to personally thank you for dedicating your lives to helping people maintain wellness. You have gone through a lot of schooling and gained a ton of experience to be able to guide people through sickness and to live healthy, fulfilling and long lives. You have literally saved the lives of family members. When I am sick or injured you are the first person I call. We would be in a terrible place without you.
The Making of a Facebook Breastfeeding Photo
They’re everywhere these days. Those amazing breastfeeding photos that make breastfeeding look romantic, easy and fun. Even the ones featuring gymnurstic toddlers and tired moms can bring rush of wistfulness to us hormonal breastfeeders. But one of my last breastfeeding photos posted to the Facebook page got me to thinking…
I posted this photo.
A Mother Relactates
By Anonymous
I would like to share this for other moms to know what’s possible. All throughout my pregnancy my plan was to breastfeed my baby. I tried to prepare myself as much as I could but I knew nothing at all about breastfeeding. In the world around me formula feeding was the norm. All my friends and family all formula fed their babies so I really had no one around for support or to learn from. I took a class at the hospital to try and learn what I could there. The class did nothing short of scare me and intimidate me with everything that can go wrong. [Read more…]
Teary Selfie
Today I’m taking a teary selfie. After 3 hours of breastfeeding, crying, yelling and stress Jack finally fell asleep. You see, he has to share me now and it’s got us all turned upside down. Jack nurses to sleep. All the time. [Read more…]