A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

How the Mighty Have Fallen: AP in the Air Force

By Suzanne Adams

Well, where do I start?  I guess we can start at the beginning of being in the military.  It wasn’t something I had ever thought I would do but I wanted something stable, something long-term.  I had gone to college but didn’t have a degree so my options of a decent job were limited.  So I decided to join the Air Force and get some education and training.  I chose a job that is very difficult to qualify for.  I spent the first two years of my Air Force career in training and my first duty assignment was in South Korea.  [Read more…]

Breastfeeding While on Active Duty Marine Corps

By Badass Cara


I breastfed my daughter while on active duty Marine Corps, actually working as a recruiter which yields 80-120 hour work weeks. [Read more…]

Too Beautiful for Facebook

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

Too Beautiful for Facebook [Read more…]

On Breasts

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

On Breasts [Read more…]

Healing Through Breastfeeding: A Sexual Abuse Survivor

By Badass Nikki Patrick

I was raised in a household where my body was not my own. From a very young age, I was used and abused in horrendous ways that make most people shudder to hear about. I was sexually and physically abused by the very person I was supposed to be able to trust and find comfort in, my father. [Read more…]

Normalize Love

I am seeing so many incidents of breastfeeding discrimination lately in my newsfeed. I would be willing to bet that incidents are not on the rise, but that women are feeling more empowered to speak out when something does happen. It is still very unlikely that anything negative will happen to you when you breastfeed in public. The majority of women go through their entire breastfeeding journey with no such experience. We should still continue to breastfeed in public at every opportunity to expose the world to beauty, nurturance and love. [Read more…]

Breastfeeding and Church

By Krista Gray, IBCLC

I have spent the majority of the past ten years living overseas.  Since my oldest child is just turning eight, you can imagine the culture shock I’ve experienced since returning to the states at the end of last year.  There is no area this shock is more pronounced than in my views of parenting – I am a huge breastfeeding and baby wearing fan – and no place I feel more discriminated in than the church itself.  [Read more…]

Breastfeeding Was Once an Afterthought: Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction

By Badass Alison

I never really thought much about breastfeeding in my early twenties. I was more concerned with getting a degree, building a financial footing for myself, and being taken seriously in my chosen career field. These reasons, combined with back issues, led me to the decision to have a breast reduction at 22. In the plastic surgeon’s office, I was told of the side effects: pain, swelling, tenderness, possible anesthesia complications, and at the end of the consultation, “you may not be able to breastfeed.” “That’s ok,” I replied “It’s not that important to me.” Famous last words. [Read more…]

Breastfeeding Evolves: Tandem Nursing Challenges

On the real tip, I don’t like breastfeeding Jack anymore. It’s hard to say it. That’s my precious first born. The one who made me a mother. The one who showed me the beauty in breastfeeding. First, breastfeeding was the thing I wanted most in life. Then when I got it I was the happiest I had ever been. And 3 years later it’s now the most frustrating and emotionally overwhelming thing I have ever experienced. Breastfeeding evolves, like everything else. [Read more…]

Stop Arguing for NIP: Normalize Love

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

Stop Arguing for NIP: Normalize Love [Read more…]