A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

My Breastfeeding Story by Teddy from The Pregnancy and Parenthood Blog

Hello my name is Teddy, I am the creator of The Pregnancy & Parenthood Blog. I am a stay at home mother of two wonderful children and I have my 3rd baby on the way. I would like to thank Badass Breastfeeder for this great opportunity to share my breastfeeding story, Here we go!!!!

I knew as soon as I found out that I was pregnant with my first (my daughter) that I wanted to breastfeed. One thing I didn`t know was how hard it was going to be and how many ups and downs I was going to have during the next 13 months that I was breastfeeding!! The day that my daughter was born, the first thing that the nurses got me to do was try and breastfeed her, but it being my first time and all, I had no clue what I was doing so the nurses tried to help me. We started off with a few bumps in the road where my daughter kept putting her tongue to the back of her throat which wouldn’t allow her to latch on at all, but finally after hours of trying we were successful… but that was not the end of our problems. The next morning the nurses came into my room to check my daughters temperature and noticed that she had a really high fever. The doctor than informed me that my daughter would have to be hooked up to an IV for the next 48 hours so that they could monitor her and get her temperature down. They soon found out that the reason her temp was so high was because she was dehydrated from not eating enough , this was do to the lack of colostrum and milk my breasts were producing (pretty much I wasn’t producing anything) I felt absolutely horrible that I could not tell, I felt like a bad mom that I was unable to breastfeed my daughter. I had never felt so down in my life and of course the hormones running through my body didn’t help either…but in the next 24 hours things started to get A LOT better!! [Read more…]

First Things First

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

First Things First

My Exclusive Pumping Journey (9 Months and Going Strong)

By Chasity

After my failed natural birth, all I wanted to do was hold my son in my arms and breastfeed him. I wanted to be my son’s sole nutritional provider. I wanted to feel the inseparable bond that breastfeeding mothers talked about. I wanted my heart to warm as my son gave me a milky smile. I wanted my son and I to have the health benefits of breast milk. Breast milk is easier to digest, and lowers the risk of respiratory infections, asthma, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and skin diseases. It also lowers the mother’s risk of ovarian and breast cancer (both of which I have a high risk of getting). While I was pregnant, I watched breastfeeding videos and went to Le Leche League meetings. In my mind, there was no way breastfeeding was not going to work out for me. [Read more…]

Breastfeeding with a Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) by guest blogger Jessica

Jessica breastfeeding with a supplemental nursing system (SNS)I tried so very hard to keep her just breastfed, but I didn’t have enough tissue. She dropped her birth weight and for almost 4 weeks continued to be underweight. I was forced to start supplementing.  So while I worked on building my milk up (while everyone around me told me I was killing my baby by not just putting her on a bottle.) I used a supplement feeding device to keep her at my breast and to stimulate more milk production by sucking.

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Celebrity Guest Post: The Badass Breastfeeder, “Work”

Read this post at The Mommy Dialogues!

Celebrity Guest Post: The Badass Breastfeeder



Our Nursing Journey by guest blogger Katie Can

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

Our Nursing Journey by guest blogger Katie Can



Breastfeeding and Friendship by guest blogger Kristen

Kristen breastfeeding with her friend.

I just want to share my store in honor of National Breastfeeding week!

This is my best friend and I nursing our babies in oct of 2011. My daughter (Violette) an her son (Callan) were born 1 day apart. Having no luck breast feeding our other children, we were a good team in supporting each other throughout this journey. Both determine to succeed in solely breastfeeding, we had great success and formed a special bond around nursing our babies. [Read more…]

The Pink of Your Lips by guest blogger Stephanie

Guest blogger Stephanie breastfeeding

The pink of your sweet little lips
as you excitedly accept my nipple
will always be a reminder of the love
and attachment you have to breastfeeding.
However, gentle nursing is no longer the phrase
to describe the way you nurse a toddler. [Read more…]

Increase Milk Supply; Advice From a Holistic Nutritionist

Apple-1Nathalie Norris from Glow Nutritional Consulting joined us for a live Facebook chat. We gathered all of that information and put it here for you to enjoy at your convenience. As a holistic nutritionist, Nathalie brings a unique perspective to the conversation of milk supply. In this empowering Q&A Nathalie addresses the common concerns of new mothers about whether she has enough milk to nourish her baby (hint, hint… YES!) and gives overall health tips to help mothers reach their health and breastfeeding goals.

Featured Recipe

Adrenal Nourishing Chickpea Salad: Click here for the video.

Makes 8+ mini meals, feel free to adjust the recipe to make a smaller amount. Keeps 5-6 days in the fridge. [Read more…]

Breastfeeding After C-Section by guest blogger “Keely Riffe”

mother breastfeeding newborn babay

I lost my little girl September 2011 to Anencephaly shortly after she was born. I had a c-section so I could hold her alive. In May 2012 I found out I was pregnant again. I was terrified. After finding out he was going to be perfectly healthy I calmed down. I started researching VBACs and I was dead set on having a natural birth (well as natural and peaceful as I could in a hospital) at 38 & a half weeks I went into labor.

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