A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Perseverance Through Breastfeeding Struggles

by Kimberly

My daughter and I had a very rough start to breastfeeding.  I knew very little about it, besides I wanted to bf.  When she was born, she didn’t latch on like everyone said she would/should.  I had nurses grabbing my breast and shoving it into my daughters mouth (upsetting us both).  Then I was told she had trouble latching because I had flat nipples.  I had never heard of flat nipples but I was suddenly very ashamed of my body.  I felt disgusting and like a failure.  [Read more…]

Let Them Be: A Breastfeeding in Public Poem

by Tom M.

A mother has the right to nurse no matter when or where,
and should she do it openly the public shouldn’t care.

Her baby is a person with a common right to feed,
and no mother should be forced to flee to satisfy that need. [Read more…]

Growing Up in a Breastfeeding World

by Tom M

I’ve often read the concerns of women who are worried about their children seeing a mother breastfeeding. I’ve heard they might get the wrong idea about breasts, or they could be traumatized if they should happen to see a mother breastfeeding. Or it is disrespectful to other people’s children for a mother to breastfeed in their presence. Until I started reading these concerns I must admit I took my experiences as the son of a breastfeeding mother somewhat for granted. It was a way of life for me that wasn’t out of the ordinary so I never gave it much thought. It didn’t know it was strange to grow up like I did until I started seeing how people look at breastfeeding moms today. I still have trouble understanding how it can be viewed as gross or disgusting. Now I find myself appreciative that my mother took the time to educate and expose us to breastfeeding as kids. [Read more…]

Trust Your Body and Your Baby

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

Trust Your Body and Your Baby


You Are Unstoppable

What are you struggling with right now? Milk supply? Mastitis? A nursing strike? A biting baby? A horrible mother-in-law? Money problems? An energetic toddler? Sleepless nights? Whatever it is that you are struggling with is small compared to what you have been through…

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!





Breastfeeding Mothers Persevere

The internet is full of photos shared by people who want to show off their happiest of moments. Breastfeeding mothers enjoy posting their breastfeeding photos on the internet to share them with friends, family and like-minded mothers. I do this often. My favorite photos are of Jack…

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!





Protocol for Biting When Breastfeeding

Jack with his mouth open to bite you!
When your baby bites, pull their face into your breast quickly so their nose is blocked. This will cause them to open their mouths to get a breath. [Read more…]

Something to Say About Breastfeeding While Pregnant by Guest Blogger Ashleymarie Sey Lively

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

Something to Say About Breastfeeding While Pregnant by Guest Blogger Ashleymarie Sey Lively

I’m Quitting Breastfeeding

Read this blog post at Breastfeeding Basics!

I’m Quitting Breastfeeding

A Badass Is Born: Breastfeeding Advocacy

In March 2012 I started a Facebook page called The Badass Breastfeeder. 10 months later there are more than 14,000 fans, growing business opportunities, Mama Tribes around the world and a steady stream of Mamas reporting that they receive a unique type of support from this community. I spend my days monitoring comments, writing blog posts about my adventures in Attachment Parenting, studying the world of breastfeeding support and trying to fill the gaps, providing support on the page and brainstorming with my Admins on how to better support the Mamas. [Read more…]