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Twiddling While Breastfeeding

  • For our entire episode on Twiddling on The Badass Breastfeeding Podcast click here

Twiddling is defined by breastfeeders as the thing your baby does with their hand on your non-nursing breast. It’s when they stick their hand in your shirt and play with your nipple; scratch it, twist it, flick it, etc. Sometimes it doesn’t bother a person. With my first son I never noticed. It didn’t bother me. When I became pregnant and for the rest of my breastfeeding and tandem breastfeeding journey it made me feel like pulling my eyelashes out, stabbing myself and running through a wall. Or all of those things at once. I had to stop it. [Read more…]

It’s Totally Normal If Your Baby Breastfeeds Every Hour (Or Even More Frequently Than That!)

By Wendy Wisner, IBCLC

Like many moms, I had a ton of trouble breastfeeding the first time. My baby was super sleepy and wouldn’t wake up to nurse. Once I finally got him to wake up, latching was nearly impossible. Each latch felt like a puzzle I was desperately trying to figure out. I had to pump my milk for a while and feed him with a medicine dropper until we finally got into our groove.

[Read more…]

Timing Your Breastfeeding Feeds

Dianne Cassidy, IBCLC is talking about the subtle art of timing your feeds. This week on The Badass Breastfeeding Mini Podcast you will learn the benefits of feeding on demand, how to do it and what to do about tracking the feedings. You can find all of our episodes at www.badassbreastfeedingpodcast.com.

Breastfeeding and Babywearing!

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder discusses tips and tricks to help you breastfeed in a baby carrier. This will help you become hands-free and mobile all while breastfeeding your baby or toddler!

Pain With Breastfeeding Latch

Dianne Cassidy, IBCLC discusses pain that occurs when latching your baby to your breast.

Breastfeeding Comebacks to Critics

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, shares her favorite comebacks to breastfeeding critics. What are your favorites?

Newborn Behaviors and Breastfeeding Cues

Dianne Cassidy, IBCLC is talking about newborn behaviors, what they mean and does it mean they want to breastfeed! Have a listen!

My Top 6 Favorite Breastfeeding Products

Follow this link for my recommendations. There’s 6 of them. (Ignore the title when you click)

10 Things To Do With Your Breastmilk

Besides feeding it to your baby! Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder shares her fun ideas! What are yours?

Breastfeeding Latch and Position

Dianne Cassidy, IBCLC shares her expert tips for breastfeeding latch and position for your newborn baby!