A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

“Our Son is My Hero”

By Badass Kortney

I’m the mother of five beautiful children and wife to an amazing man.  Our oldest son, Hutson is 11, then we have a set of boy/girl twins, Deacon and Finley who will be 3 next week and then our second set of boy/girl twins, Piper and Harvey.  We did IVF to conceive both sets of twins after 6 years of secondary infertility.  I was able to breastfeed my first set of twins for 16 months before they self weaned.  Piper and Harvey are 8 months old and still going strong.  This is my story… [Read more…]

How and Why to Stir the Pot

How to Stir the Pot

This is the easy part.

1. State your opinion about anything.

2. Post a photo of yourself breastfeeding. Or bottle-feeding. Or holding hands with someone of the same sex, holding hands with someone of a different race, with makeup, with no makeup, fat, skinny, with cleavage, without cleavage, eating a conventional (non-organic) apple. [Read more…]

Breastfeeding in the Military: The Story of a Marine Mother

By Badass Meg

I never gave breastfeeding much thought. If you did you did and if you didn’t you didn’t. I was never the one to stare or praise or run and hide because I saw boob.  I was an active duty Marine when I became pregnant with my first. I still hadn’t given it much thought when I went in for a check up and my OB asked me how I was feeding DS. My husband started explaining we hadn’t talked about it and I piped up with breastfeeding. [Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Breastfeeding and Dental Cavities

By Wendy Wisner, IBCLC

***Ask an Expert is a blog feature hosted by a team of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs). Once a month each IBCLC randomly chooses a question from The Badass Breastfeeder Facebook wall and provides their response on the blog.

Fan Question:

“I have a question. My 11 month daughter has a brown speck on one of her front teeth. I have been doing some research and it may be a cavity caused by night nursing. Has anyone had this problem? I’m taking her to the dentist tomorrow I’m just curious if this happens often. Thanks!”
I’m glad you’re taking your baby to a dentist to get a proper diagnosis.  Stains on teeth can be caused by any number of things.  I hope it’s not a cavity! [Read more…]

Suckin’ Me Dry

I have shared many blog posts lately about the tough times in parenting, breastfeeding and breastfeeding a toddler. The most frequent response I get, even when talking about how weaning is not right for Jack and I just yet, is that I should wean Jack. “It’s just time. You need to wean him.” Besides how obnoxious this type of “advice” is, it’s not really the point when talking about tough times. [Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Relactation

***Ask an Expert is a blog feature hosted by a team of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs). Once a month each IBCLC randomly chooses a question from The Badass Breastfeeder Facebook wall and provides their response on the blog.

By Anne Smith, IBCLC

Fan Question:

“I am currently trying to relactate. I work full time Monday thru Friday from 8-5, and my job doesn’t allow me much time to pump. I hand express whenever I can, and then I try to latch her on as soon as I get home. The problem is that she gets really mad when not much milk comes out and she keeps pulling off the breast. I’m getting very discouraged. What else can I do?” [Read more…]

How the Mighty Have Fallen: AP in the Air Force

By Suzanne Adams

Well, where do I start?  I guess we can start at the beginning of being in the military.  It wasn’t something I had ever thought I would do but I wanted something stable, something long-term.  I had gone to college but didn’t have a degree so my options of a decent job were limited.  So I decided to join the Air Force and get some education and training.  I chose a job that is very difficult to qualify for.  I spent the first two years of my Air Force career in training and my first duty assignment was in South Korea.  [Read more…]

Breastfeeding While on Active Duty Marine Corps

By Badass Cara


I breastfed my daughter while on active duty Marine Corps, actually working as a recruiter which yields 80-120 hour work weeks. [Read more…]


By Holly Easterby

Holly Easterby grew up in a family where kids always had a great time with their parents through reunions. This type of relationship has made her interested in helping other families experience the same by providing content for Bonza Brats and in blogs like this one. In this article, she gives tips on how you can be closer to your kids. [Read more…]

A Review of the Joovy Toofold by Micralite: Stroller Use in the “Attached” Family: Part 1

When my first child was born I became an Attachment Parenting zealot. I thought this style of parenting was the answer to all of the world’s problems and if a person didn’t practice it with rigidity then they were part of the problem of making the world a terrible place. I was new to all of this and jumped on this new thing like an extremist. It filled a sort of void during the transition into motherhood when my world felt upside down, like a teenager hitting puberty. [Read more…]