A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Ask an Expert: Keep Calm and Latch On

By Wendy Wisner, IBCLC

Fan Question :

“My baby is three weeks old. I have struggled to get her to latch. She was born three weeks ago by c-section. I have been trying to protect my supply by pumping (as much as I can) but I can’t keep up with her and have to supplement with formula. Is it too late for her to learn how to latch? Will I ever make more milk? I hear about women stock piling in the freezer and I can’t even keep up with my newborn.” [Read more…]

The Badass Breastfeeder on abcnews.coom

3 Tips From the Woman Behind The Badass Breastfeeder Blog

The Badass Breastfeeder on WGN

Meet The Badass Breastfeeder

I Will Not Wean My 3-Year-Old

By Abby Theuring, MSW

I’ve heard that I should have weaned Jack before Exley came along. I have heard that I am raising a spoiled brat by breastfeeding my toddler. I have heard that it’s disgusting, that he’s too old, that he’ll have psychological problems. I’ve heard that I’m doing it for my own needs and not his. [Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Alcohol and Breastfeeding

By Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA

Fan Question:

“How long after you consume alcohol should you pump and dump? Do you have to pump and dump if you consume water with said alcohol? How much water?” [Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Growth Spurts and the Tired Mama

By Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA

Fan Question:

“My son is 3 weeks old & gets strictly breast milk. The past 3 nights he has been awake most of the night & is feeding almost every 1-1.5 hours throughout the day. He eats for 15 minutes then buttons his lips until an hour has passed. I’ve read about growing spurts. Any tips on how to help make growth spurts a little easier on this exhausted 1st-time mom?” [Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Green Poops and Oversupply

By Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA

Fan Question:

“My 5 mo old is very distracted at the breast, even in a quiet room. Her dirty diapers are now green, sticky, and sour smelling. I have an overactive let down and lots of milk. Her lack of focus started about a week ago. Is she only getting foremilk leading to green poop? What can I do to keep her on track?” [Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Acid Reflux and Fussiness

By Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA

Fan Question:

“I have a baby girl who is almost 6 months and was EBF(Exclusively Breastfed). Her MD wanted me to try formula 1-2x/wk & baby food 1x/day because of her acid reflux. My baby now eats every hour at night, going back and forth on the boob acting like she wants it. But she cries when she’s on then takes herself off. How do I know if she’s trying to wean? I want to nurse as long as I can.” [Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Boosting Your Milk Supply

By Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA

Fan Question:

“I need help with low milk supply. Ten days ago I had the flu and was dehydrated. To recover my supply, I’m 1) nursing & pumping a lot, 2) drinking lots of water and mother’s milk tea, 3) taking fenugreek 3x/day, 4) mixing flax meal into my food. It’s helping, but my supply still seems lower than usual. Any suggestions?” [Read more…]

A Personal Account of Placenta Consumption

AT (44)

Placenta floating in the birth pool minutes after birth. 

The most frequently asked question since the birth of my second son, Exley, has been about the encapsulation of my placenta. I was one of those people who was thoroughly disgusted by the prospect of consuming a placenta. [Read more…]