A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Lea’s Birth Story

By guest blogger Lea

I was 25 and had just gotten out of an extremely abusive relationship. I hooked up with someone who was only 5’6″ and 120 lbs thinking that if it came down to it I could protect myself. Come to find out he was popping holes in the condoms. I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks. I spent two weeks throwing up every day at least 405 times a day before it struck me what could have happened. I took 6 store bought tests and all of them came back negative. So I finally decided to go to the health department. They did a urine test that came back negative, but things weren’t lining up so they did a blood test. It came back that I was pregnant. I immediately got myself insurance and found an OBGYN. My OB was my mom’s OB when she had my baby brother and had delivered most of my cousins. He was someone I trusted and still do.


This is LeAnn 1 hour after I had her. She seemed so tiny. Measuring 21 inches long and weighing 7lbs 14ozs.

[Read more…]

Gender Disappointment


Jack’s wiener was a surprise upon his birth. We decided we didn’t want to know early and wanted to be surprised. We did want a boy, but not so much that I ever thought I’d be disappointed with a girl. When I became pregnant with my second child last year I felt a desire to have a girl. [Read more…]

“You’re a Badass”

By Badass Michaella

So my family and I were at Applebee’s for dinner (Muskegon Michigan location on Sherman blvd) and Carter(my son 5 mo) was screaming because he was ready to eat, so I started nursing him not even thinking about it.. Later after everyone ate the waitress comes to me and says someone paid my bill.. Later she brings me this. The family had left before I could say anything. Thank you to that family! I plan to pay it forward to the next badass breast feeding mommy (this happened 1/23/14 around 7:30p).


Badasses write notes to each other

Nikki’s Breastfeeding Struggles and Why Mom is Always Right

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

Nikki’s Breastfeeding Struggles and Why Mom is Always Right



Breastfeeding Success After Preemie in NICU

By guest blogger Reve P.

breastfed baby in the nicu

Our son was born at 31 weeks and 4 days gestation after I was on hospital bed rest for 2 weeks in preterm labor.  Thankfully, his lungs were well-developed due to steroid shots I had received and he did not need to be intubated.  We were told his major hurdle would be learning to feed. I was breastfed as a child and was determined to breast feed my own children.  [Read more…]

Badass Breastfeeder of the Week; 1-27-14


Nisa breastfeeding in public at Grand Mosque Masjid al-Haram, Mecca

Nursed to sleep while in the Grand Mosque Masjid al-Haram, Mecca.

By Badass Nisa

Tara’s Breastfeeding Story

By Guest Blogger Tara

Tara with newborn

I found out I was pregnant on thanksgiving day of 2012. My Fiancé and I were so excited! I always knew that I wanted to breastfeed and did my research on it throughout the pregnancy. I also knew I wanted a natural birth, mostly because I already have a high pain tolerance and I’m very sensitive to medications. EVERYONE I knew (family, coworkers, strangers, etc.) told me breastfeeding was painful, awkward, difficult, etc. they also told me once I was in labor I’d be begging for pain medicine like they all were. Their lack of confidence in my decisions only made me more determined to stick to my plans! [Read more…]

I Breastfeed, Even in Public

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

I Breastfeed, Even in Public



Leanne’s Breastfeeding Story

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

Leanne’s Breastfeeding Story



An Ounce of Determination

 By Guest Blogger LeighAnn

An ounce of determination + an ounce of education and an ounce of support = unlimited ounces of breastmilk



Sounds easy, huh? As I close in on six months of exclusively breastfeeding, easy isn’t what comes to mind, however it’s such an achievement and great gift to my dear Macie. [Read more…]