Every parent can relate to the misery of changing the sheets in the middle of the night. Whether you have leaking breasts, sick kids (wow the mess!) or you’re in that potty training phase the fact is that your sheets are going to be a mess and no one is going to want to lie down on it or strip the bed at 3am. A couple of moms, Amanda and Liz, were chatting about this one day and PeapodMats was born. Let me tell you why this product stands out to me.

I breastfed both of my sons who are now 5 and 8 years old. I’ve been rolling around in bodily fluids since the day my first son was born. I expected the leaking and blowout diapers, but I didn’t know that my sheets would become so wet with breastmilk so often. Side lying breastfeeding is a favorite among breastfeeders, but who knew so much of it leaked out of the breasts and out of baby’s mouth?
One hassle I don’t need as a parent is getting up more in the middle of the night. Enough already! It’s been 8 years. The reasons for getting up in the middle of the night changes, but here I am still getting up. PeapodMats is perfect for us because it lies on top of the sheets and does not move around. They have this magical “grippy” material on the bottom. My kids can do as many helicopter moves in the middle of the night as they want and this mat is not going anywhere. There’s no flaps, straps, or Velcro and there’s no tucking or wrapping around the mattress. You simply lay it down and it doesn’t move. When there’s a mess just pull it off!

I’ve used other mats. They move around constantly. They do not stay in place even if you move near them. I lie my kids down directly on top of it to go to sleep at night. When they start to move those other mats move in the other direction and the mess is back on my sheets. I always try to move them back onto the mat in the middle of the night, waking them up in the process.
My kids like to horseplay with their dad on the bed during the day. I have to go searching for the “other” mat (that we still use when my big boy pays a visit to our adult bed), but the PeapodMat is still in place. No joke. I am SO glad I found PeapodMats and I can’t wait to get another one for my son’s bunkbed. Who knew it was so hard to change sheets on a bunkbed?

PeapodMats also last much longer. They are still working perfectly after 500+ washes. And there are no special washing instructions for the PeapodMats; just toss in your regular wash cycle! Unlike those other mats that melt in the dyer. Those other mats might be cheaper but they don’t last. You’ll be frustrated with them and you’ll be replacing them often. The other mats are also not always made with the environment in mind. PeapodMats are PVC, latex and vinyl free. PeapodMats are made with a TPU waterproof coating that’s a greener solution. Also a quieter and more comfortable solution.
You might buy PeapodMats for your breastfeeding and baby messes, but you’ll continue to use it for potty training your toddlers and small children. I contemplated putting my kids back in diapers at night because I got so ick of the accidents at night. I found PeapodMats and I’ll never look back.

As if all this wasn’t enough to solve major hassles in your busy life you’ll also use it for tummy time and other messy activities around the house. You can place your infant bath tub on top of it, use it as a portable changing mat, for protecting your furniture or car, for traveling to family and friends or in hotels.
I write a lot of reviews for products, but even my husband chimed in on this one. When I told him what product I was reviewing this week he said, “Oh! Great product!” That’s a lot of words for him.
YOU lucky badasses get to experience what we are raving about here in this house. PeapodMats is offering a 20% discount with promo code BADASS20. This code is valid until August 15, 2019 and it is only valid at their website
**GIVEAWAY** You can enter out giveaway of a 3×5 navy blue PeapodMat! Enter on Facebook and Instagram!