by Hava Rich
Yesterday was the first time in 97 days I didn’t pump. From the day I had Jameson I’ve pumped every three hours, minus a 5 hour stretch to get a little extra sleep.

by Hava Rich
Yesterday was the first time in 97 days I didn’t pump. From the day I had Jameson I’ve pumped every three hours, minus a 5 hour stretch to get a little extra sleep.
1. What is your name? What is the name of your book and what is it about?
Author: Rachel Rainbolt, M.A.
Title: Sage Breastfeeding & Beyond: wisdom from the front lines for the connected, badass mama [Read more…]
by Ashley Treadwell, IBCLC
Fan Question:
“I need some tips on pumping I almost exclusively breast feed but when it comes to pumping, I still (eight months later) getting less than two ounces.” [Read more…]
By Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA
Fan Question:
“I’m trying to establish a pumping routine to have a milk stash. My daughter is a month old and I have only pumped a few times. Every time I do, she drinks my pumped milk sometime that day because I’m low after I pump. Every time I think about pumping I worry that she will need the milk, so I don’t and then I leak lol. Need some advice as to how to establish a good pumping routine and have a good stash….thanks” [Read more…]
By Guest Blogger Tara
I found out I was pregnant on thanksgiving day of 2012. My Fiancé and I were so excited! I always knew that I wanted to breastfeed and did my research on it throughout the pregnancy. I also knew I wanted a natural birth, mostly because I already have a high pain tolerance and I’m very sensitive to medications. EVERYONE I knew (family, coworkers, strangers, etc.) told me breastfeeding was painful, awkward, difficult, etc. they also told me once I was in labor I’d be begging for pain medicine like they all were. Their lack of confidence in my decisions only made me more determined to stick to my plans! [Read more…]
By Guest Blogger LeighAnn
An ounce of determination + an ounce of education and an ounce of support = unlimited ounces of breastmilk
Sounds easy, huh? As I close in on six months of exclusively breastfeeding, easy isn’t what comes to mind, however it’s such an achievement and great gift to my dear Macie. [Read more…]
Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!