“My 4 month old baby is fussy while nursing. Do you think I’m not making enough milk?”
[Read more…]Breastfeeding Journey Of A Micro-Preemie
by Hava Rich
Yesterday was the first time in 97 days I didn’t pump. From the day I had Jameson I’ve pumped every three hours, minus a 5 hour stretch to get a little extra sleep.

Who Cries Over Spilled Milk?
By Shalmeka Sweet
I always knew I wanted to breastfeed my child. However, my plans for breastfeeding my daughter were almost derailed after my daughter was born 10 weeks early. I was admitted to the hospital after a routine doctor’s appointment. My prognosis changed daily and I wanted to be ready for the first latch upon her arrival. Being the planner that I am, I immediately called my insurance company to request a breast pump. I’d read pumping can increase milk production for premature births. The insurance company advised me I was eligible for a free breast pump. However, since I had not delivered the baby, they would need a note from the hospital stating my admittance due to prematurity. The hospital provided the letter but it was faced with opposition as they could not fathom my concern with obtaining a breast pump. They submitted the letter to the insurance company while I was a mother in-waiting to possibly deliver my daughter at any moment. After being admitted into the hospital for almost two weeks my daughter was born via emergency c-section due to heart rate irregularity.
[Read more…]Your Legal Rights As A Working Breastfeeding Parent, And What To Do If Your Rights Are Violated
By Wendy Wisner, IBCLC
The majority of new moms return to work after having a baby—only 34% decide not to return to work, and as many as 1/4 of moms return to work within 2 weeks of having a baby. The reasons moms return to work are usually financial, although some women do so because they genuinely love their jobs. [Read more…]
February Breastfeeding and Pumping Photo Contest!
The Badass Breastfeeding Podcast is back with a PHOTO CONTEST! The theme is BREASTFEEDING/PUMPING IN PUBLIC! Abby and Dianne, hosts of the podcast, will choose 10 finalists. These 10 photos will be posted on Instagram and Facebook for YOU, the badass community, to vote on. All of the 10 finalists will win a bundle of Badass Breastfeeder gear (My Mom is a Badass Breastfeeder t-shirt, key chain and pack of empowerment cards.) The photo with the most combined Likes will be A GUEST ON THE BADASS BREASTFEEDING PODCAST! Yep, an entire episode featuring you and your story! Let us know below if you’re in! [Read more…]
Exclusive Pumping Part 3 – Perspectives
Like everyone, when I had a baby, my life completely changed. And because I had spent two hours a day tied to a breast pump since my baby’s birth, being a mother and an exclusive pumper became very intertwined for me. Exclusive pumping was a big part of my identity. Because of this, it was really important to me that I was successful. This meant (after my supply snafu early on, when I would skip pumping sessions more than I should have) being a bit obsessive about getting my pumping sessions in.
Exclusive Pumping Part 2 – The First Year
The Routine Early On
When I started exclusively pumping, I pumped whenever my baby ate. My routine was that I would bottle feed him, and then I’d put him on my lap and hook myself up to pump. He would fall asleep there with the pump motor apparently functioning as a lullaby. (Maybe the Medela Freestyle sounds like the inside of a uterus. Who knows?) When I was finished pumping, he’d be conked out enough that I could move him to his bassinet for the rest of his nap. [Read more…]