A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Normalize Breastfeeding

By Melody Fetterman

I had a conversation with someone recently, someone who I really love and respect. It was a hard conversation, though. If my friends and family describe my parenting, they use one word: breastfeeding. Breastfeeding, more than any other single factor, has influenced my parenting style. It has dictated where I can go and for how long, how I sleep, how I eat, what I wear, and most importantly, how I respond to my son. [Read more…]

Sage Breastfeeding and Beyond: Author Interview

sage breastfeeding and byond1. What is your name? What is the name of your book and what is it about?

Author: Rachel Rainbolt, M.A.

Title: Sage Breastfeeding & Beyond: wisdom from the front lines for the connected, badass mama [Read more…]

Breastfeeding in Public and Nursing Covers

This might come as a shock, but your body belongs to you. Only you. You are the ultimate authority over your body. Period. Please know this. Please never forget this. [Read more…]

The Sexy Woman Versus The Breastfeeding Mother: A Case Study of Facebook Memes

We’ve all seen those memes that show a breastfeeding mother next to a scantily clad celebrity asking a question such as, “Which one do you think was asked to cover up?” It always seemed like a simple question to me, pointing out the glaring hypocrisy that is life as a woman.

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I Love My Baby More Than You Love Your Baby:

How the On-Line Motherhood Support Community is Committing Mass Suicide

We love nothing more than to say we have this wonderful, global community of women designed to support each other in a way that many people in our daily lives have not. And yet, we shit on this very community every single day. Many times a day. All day. I am just about at my wits end with the woman on woman hating on the internet. Yes, I am talking about you. And I am talking about me. Every single one of us needs to take responsibility.

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The Ugly Side of Nursing Rooms

I support a woman’s right to choose what is best for her and her family. I support women who choose to cover when breastfeeding in public even though I choose not to. I support women who choose to use formula or to wean their babies even though this is not something that I personally choose. I genuinely believe that true empowerment comes when a woman has access to information and is able to make her own choice. I believe that empowerment is about the ability to choose, not the choice itself. [Read more…]

The Impact of Mothers on the Breastfeeding Community

MommyCon attendee breastfeeding.

I was just browsing the MommyCon page enjoying the memories of a couple weeks ago when I saw this photo and its caption. I am 100% sure that the Admin who posted this does not know how amazing it is that they coupled this woman with their shout out about my appearance at the convention. THIS woman. [Read more…]

Original Facebook Memes-9




bfing pregnant


come back




tash latch

who bf


[Read more…]

Badasses Unite

Badass Jessica was eating at Red Robin in Grand Rapids, MI when she received a special gift. [Read more…]

I Don’t Need Your Authority and MommyCon Chicago March 1, 2014

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, speaking at MommyCon

I can’t believe it has only been a year since I made my MommyCon debut! The Badass Breastfeeder has grown by leaps and bounds since the day I hobbled atop shaky legs to the front of a room full of like-minded Mamas to talk about nursing in public. I promised that room full of Moms an army of the world’s most powerful and important people. This army has grown more than 5 fold since that day and we are as serious, passionate and strong as ever. [Read more…]