A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Legislation Is Sexy: Texans Need Your Help!

By Krisdee Donmoyer

Nurse-ins are sexy.

Not hubba hubba sexy, of course.  They have an allure.  Many breastfeeding advocates enjoy the powerful feeling of protest, the standing in solidarity to support breastfeeding mothers and babies.  Social media really amplifies the feeling, too – it’s exciting to feel swept up in something bigger than yourself, that feels so fast and furious and righteous.

Krisdee Donmoyer breastfeeding in public.

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You Are Unstoppable

What are you struggling with right now? Milk supply? Mastitis? A nursing strike? A biting baby? A horrible mother-in-law? Money problems? An energetic toddler? Sleepless nights? Whatever it is that you are struggling with is small compared to what you have been through…

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!





Breastfeeding Mothers Persevere

The internet is full of photos shared by people who want to show off their happiest of moments. Breastfeeding mothers enjoy posting their breastfeeding photos on the internet to share them with friends, family and like-minded mothers. I do this often. My favorite photos are of Jack…

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!





Original Facebook Memes-4

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Original Facebook Memes-3

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Original Facebook Memes-2

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Original Facebook Memes-1

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A Day of Play at Target

Jack and I went to Target. For no reason. No reason at all. Just to piss some time away. Play. Laugh. It’s cold outside. Wet, rainy, snowy. An ugly mix. I didn’t plan to purchase anything. Just play. For free.
I strapped him on in the Ergo and made the 2 mile walk to Target. Mama has to get exercise somehow.

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Normalizing Happiness

By Josh Wilker

There’s a great photo of my wife and son in a park near our house. It was taken just after our son was safely over an illness that had required a trip to the emergency room. In the picture, my wife is breastfeeding Jack and the sun is shining down on both of them. Abby posted this happy picture online, wanting to share it with friends and other mothers, and doing so led her to realize that there are people capable of acting negatively to a picture of pure happiness, a mother feeding her baby in the sunlight. To some people, it was an eyesore.

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding in public,

II. [Read more…]

Nurse-Ins: What Are They Good For?

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding in public,
As I reflect on the Hollister Nurse-Ins of this past weekend (January 2013) I am moved to write a post to address a recurring theme among a minority of responders. I have heard that nurse-ins are “radical,” do more harm than good for the cause and make breastfeeding mothers look like “crazy hippies.” I am saddened and angered by this attitude. It appears to me that this is misdirected negative energy in order to avoid facing the ugliness in society. If a person believes that we can fight for a cause by simply nursing in public as we normally would or that people who organize and agitate are “crazy” then I would suggest that this person has never cracked a history book. Let me explain.

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