A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Extended Breastfeeding is Just Breastfeeding

3 years old and nursing every chance he gets, including at night. There’s nothing wrong with him. It provides him nutrients, comfort, safety and familiarity. This is his safe space. You are never wrong for breastfeeding as long as it feels right for you and your child. No matter what anyone says.

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, extended breastfeeding

Unsolicited Breastfeeding Advice

When people criticize, give unsolicited advice, insult or claim they are offended by breastfeeding, breastfeeding beyond infancy, tandem breastfeeding or any other decision you are making about your own family you can simply ignore them. People can say whatever they want and it never has to affect your personal choices. Go ahead and waste your time being offended. I’ll be over here living my own life.Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, tandem breastfeeding

Too Old for Breastfeeding?

That’s silly. He fits perfectly.

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding, extended breastfeeding

A Review and Giveaway of Bravado Designs Nursing Bras!

Let’s talk about having a good foundation!
Different bras styles have unique purposes. Typically, we want them to be somewhat pretty and always comfortable. If you are buying a bra for the function of bedroom playtime with your partner, then comfort might not be your number one focus since it’s coming off fairly quick anyway. (Don’t be shocked, we all know how babies get here!) [Read more…]

Politically Incorrect Breastfeeder

By Jean, Politically Incorrect Mother

I’ve earned the right to judge formula feeding mothers

Call me judgemental but reading on and on about how we aren’t allowed to judge mothers who feed their babies formula pisses me off. Obviously I don’t mean mothers who really truly genuinely can’t breastfeed or sometimes even ones who tried really really hard and eventually gave up. But if you didn’t try at all because you just didn’t want to, then I judge you. You’re knowingly not doing what’s best for your baby right from the start because there’s an easier way. [Read more…]

10 Things I Hate About Breastfeeding

It’s Breastfeeding Awareness Month 2017 baby! And I am here to rant about things I cannot stand about breastfeeding! Why? Because this is hard. Breastfeeding is really hard! It’s magical and empowering and all that stuff but I need all you new parents and parents struggling right now to know that you will not like everything about breastfeeding. And that’s OK! We do a disservice to each other when we wash over the negative feelings that breastfeeding can bring us. We can find comfort and community in the tough things that we deal with just like with any other journey in life. It’s the secret to our success. So let’s get to it. 10 things I hate about breastfeeding!

[Read more…]

Is Nursing in Public Narcissistic?

If you ask any number of people on the internet the answer to this question is a resounding, “Yes!” I mean, “Can’t you use a cover?” “You should be more modest!” “Women should be more discreet.” “You need to do that in the bathroom.” “You just want attention!”

I get these comments all the time. I get them on the internet, that is, because no one yet has had the balls to say it to my face even if it’s what they were thinking. I read comments all the time such as, “You are such an attention whore!” “You are a narcissistic mother!” “You are just trying to show off.” “You just want people to look at you.” [Read more…]

When Kids Ask About Breastfeeding

I get many comments on social media that breastfeeding in public makes you feel uncomfortable because you don’t want your kids to see it. You say that it makes your kids uncomfortable. [Read more…]

A Review of Baby Bee Hummingbirds Keepsake Jewelry

I love watching my kids grow up. I learn something new about them every day. But it also gives me pangs of sadness when I realize that each passing moment is history. I will never get this time back with them. I look at photos of my 4-year-old as a baby and I feel like I barely remember those days! My 16-month-old is toddling around and I will never hold his newborn body in my arms again, I will never feel that new-mom vulnerability, never feel the intensity of having a new baby completely dependent on me every moment. [Read more…]

Jenn’s Tandem Nursing Journey, Part 2

Breastfeeding and being a mama of two isn’t easy, it’s something I’m still figuring out. How I talk to myself while figuring out Tandem nursing because I’ve been struggling nursing my oldest but it’s getting better.
I’m trying not to think about how she’s playing with my body. How she’s taking his milk. How she’s big and awkward and leaves teeth marks or that I can’t make it through a nursing session with her without bargaining for her to get off me. Or make it through a nursing session with him without her begging for milk.
I try to think about how she needs it too or else she wouldn’t be doing it. Whether it’s for nutrition or comfort, she needs it. Then my tension melts away slowly as if I started a Scentsy. It’s not immediate. I try to pass the time writing things like this to help. I look at my little baby and see that he is healthy and sleeping. That she’s resorted back to baby things like me changing her diaper etc. So she’s just trying to figure all this change out. It’s only been a month. Her life is completely different but nursing can at least equalize us a little bit. I think back when she was a baby and how concerned I was that she would wean too early and it makes me laugh now.
I breathe slowly in and out. I think it’s honestly my body equalizing out too because she sucks all the milk out so fast. I just get this sensation that I don’t like. Maybe this is nursing aversion? I’m being patient. I’m trying to let her stop for once. He’s full. He is fine. Even though he’s waking up. It will be OK . She has to stop eventually. She has to so be patient mama.
I’m building supply. I’m building supply. I made it through she’s happy . Her heart and mine are full and I can have a break oh wait she wants more milk. Lol she distracted herself. Time to get off the couch and do something.
***Jenn Novak just began her tandem nursing journey and will be sharing her experiences with our community.