A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Review & Giveaway of Bravado Designs Nursing and Pumping Wardrobe

You know that saying, “Bras must have been invented by a man.” It’s something many of us have thought when putting on these uncomfortable contraptions. They can seem like they have no function other than to hoist our bosom to our chin. But bras serve a purpose for many women, and this purpose gets even more important if you are a breastfeeding or pumping mom who needs her hands-free. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would ask a bunch of women what would make them more comfortable and functional? [Read more…]

Jenn’s Tandem Nursing Journey


“There I was pregnant, nursing my daughter, super anxious, excited, scared about nursing a new baby along with her. Will she be jealous? Will she wean? Will she still love me? [Read more…]

Hannah’s Triumph


“I just wanted to share my breastfeeding journey with my second son and I hope this to be an encouragement to other NICU moms. I went into premature labor when I was 35 weeks pregnant. I had to have an emergency c section and when he was delivered we waited as the doctor kept trying to get him to cry. Finally we heard a few cries but the pediatrician had to rush him to the nursery. As she walked by I got a short glance. Hours after he was delivered the transport team brought him to see me in an incubator (due to being intubated) and I got to touch his little fingers but that would be all I saw of him for two more days as we were at two different facilities. I started pumping in hopes my milk would come in but I was getting very little out. Once I finally got released and could visit with him again I would pump every three hours in the pump rooms in the nicu and at the hotel we were staying at by the hospital. Slowly but surely my milk started coming in. Once he was finally able to try and drink milk his bottles were supplies fully by me. As his intake increases the amount I was able to pump increased. It was amazing. We were discharged after a week. About fifteen days postpartum I developed a serious infection at my incision and had to go on an antibiotic that forced me to pump and dump. I pumped every three hours on the dot after I fed him a bottle. It broke my heart after he was finally able to nurse straight from me instead of bottles and now it was me who was our road block. I ended up pumping and dumping for a little over a month because I kept getting infections at my incision. When it came time for me to be able to nurse again I was concerned he wouldn’t take because he had been on bottles; however, he latched perfectly and to this day refused a bottle anytime he is offered. I know it is hard to make yourself wake up and pump or pump and dump every three hours for weeks on end, but please please trust me it is so worth it! I would love to be an encouragement to anyone who is going through this!

First picture was the day he was born and the second picture is now!”


Review of the ARDO Amaryll Manual Breast Pump

My first son was a few months old when I decided, in my new mom delirium, to have dinner with some friends. I knew I might get engorged, but figured I would be back soon enough. I didn’t feel like bringing my electric pump. It seemed like a huge hassle for only being gone a few hours. I didn’t even bring breast pads. (I know, I know, you’re all rolling your eyes right now). I deserved what I got, which was 2 golf ball-sized leak marks on my shirt that were illuminated dark blue on my light blue shirt. I ran to the bathroom to shove toilet paper into my bra, but the damage was done. [Read more…]

Full-Term Breastfeeding

By Sara Sites

Sara Sites extended breastfeeding
I want to share a picture with you all.  This was taken on August 19th 2015- the day Jack turned 5…the 5th anniversary of our breastfeeding journey.  [Read more…]

Leche Libre: Breastfeeding Clothing Like You’ve Never Seen

Leche Libre

I drove to an apartment on the west side of Chicago to be photographed in a nursing dress by Leche Libre. My 2 sons and I poured in with our usual chaos. Andrea, the owner and designer, and I chatted while our kids played. She took out her camera and I got into her sample dress. I expected to smile and pose, but when I put the dress on and looked in the mirror, I realized I had found my badass uniform. It was like finding a piece of me that had fallen away.

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder wearing Leche Libre. [Read more…]

Is Breastfeeding a Feminist Issue?

“Abby, why are you steady blowing up my newsfeed with feminist posts? This is a breastfeeding page, I don’t need to hear about all this. Stop trying to make breastfeeding a feminist issue!”

the-truth-will-set-you-free-but-first-it-will-piss-you-off [Read more…]

The Year Breastfeeding Goes Mainstream

It’s happening. The exposure that women have given to their breastfeeding harassment is climaxing. Women have had enough of being verbally abused, called “disgusting,” and being kicked out of restaurants, doctors’ offices, court rooms, playrooms, public pools and stores. We are sick of being bullied by businesses, having photos deemed pornographic, being told that we should expect to be abused if we are going to do “that” in public/without a cover/near children/near husbands/past infancy/etc. Breastfeeders all over the world are shedding the cover and coming out of hiding. The world is feeling our power.

Photo by Ivette Ivens

Photo by Ivette Ivens

[Read more…]

40 is the New Badass

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, tandem nursing.

Happy birthday to me! Today I turn 40. Such an epic milestone. I could have told you with great certainty at every year of my life what I would be doing at age 40 and it would never have included breastfeeding an almost 5-year-old and a 2-year-old, being a stay-at-home mom and mommy blogging. [Read more…]

This is Life

Every night at 8pm I come out of our bedroom after nursing Jack to sleep. I meet my husband in the dark hallway who has just come up from rocking Exley to sleep. I pull my left breast out of the top of my shirt. I place my left hand on Exley’s back and my right hand under his bottom. My husband places his right hand on Exley’s lower back and his left hand on Exley’s arm. I scoop Exley to my breast. I carry him into our room and lie down next to Jack while Exley nurses for a few minutes. I slip my nipple out of his mouth. I stand up and look back at my 2 little boys sleeping next to each other as I quietly leave the room. [Read more…]