The Milky Way is an eye-opening documentary about breastfeeding and an expose’ of the pervasive formula marketing in America. The U.S. has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world; the simple act of nursing a baby elicits a broad range of reactions, especially when done in public. We show how women can reclaim their birthright and return the nursing mother to her natural and crucial role in our society. We seek to bring back the community of mothers and change the way women support each other. More than a [Read more…]
The Milky Way: Witness the Nature of Nurture
Full Figure Ambassador & Model Search
You know who has the perfect body? You do. Your body is yours, it is completely unique and no matter how you feel about it, it is the perfect vessel through which you are experiencing this life with right now. [Read more…]
A Review of the Ardo Calypso-To-Go Breast Pump
It’s kind of amazing that it was only two decades ago that the first electric breast pump for personal use was manufactured. Nowadays, if you have chosen to breastfeed, it’s likely that you have bought or at least thought about purchasing one for yourself. Lots of women pump for lots of different reasons; some women work outside the home, some women are not able to breastfeed but still want to feed their babies breastmilk, some women want to donate their milk to milk banks or other moms and still others, like me, simply want to keep an “emergency stash” of breastmilk in the freezer so we can pop out of the house once in a while for some alone time. [Read more…]
Human Breast Milk Helps a Lion Orphaned by Poaching
Badass Yana is a farmer in South Africa. On her farm she has rhinoceroses and other game. On the farm next door there are lions. Poaching of these wild animals is a big problem in South Africa. [Read more…]
Breastfeeding in Public and Nursing Covers
This might come as a shock, but your body belongs to you. Only you. You are the ultimate authority over your body. Period. Please know this. Please never forget this. [Read more…]
The Sexy Woman Versus The Breastfeeding Mother: A Case Study of Facebook Memes
We’ve all seen those memes that show a breastfeeding mother next to a scantily clad celebrity asking a question such as, “Which one do you think was asked to cover up?” It always seemed like a simple question to me, pointing out the glaring hypocrisy that is life as a woman.