A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Breastfeeding and Friendship by guest blogger Kristen

Kristen breastfeeding with her friend.

I just want to share my store in honor of National Breastfeeding week!

This is my best friend and I nursing our babies in oct of 2011. My daughter (Violette) an her son (Callan) were born 1 day apart. Having no luck breast feeding our other children, we were a good team in supporting each other throughout this journey. Both determine to succeed in solely breastfeeding, we had great success and formed a special bond around nursing our babies. [Read more…]

My Phone Interviews with The Boob Group

tbg-featured-smallListen to these interviews at The Boob Group!

Become a Badass Public Breastfeeder

Find Your Mama Tribe 


The Pink of Your Lips by guest blogger Stephanie

Guest blogger Stephanie breastfeeding

The pink of your sweet little lips
as you excitedly accept my nipple
will always be a reminder of the love
and attachment you have to breastfeeding.
However, gentle nursing is no longer the phrase
to describe the way you nurse a toddler. [Read more…]

Our Birth and Lactation Story

by Bethany

I had planned to have a drug-free water birth at The Birth Cottage, a freestanding birth center in Milford New Hampshire. I had watched documentaries such as “The Business of Being Born,” “Gentle Birth Choices,” and “Orgasmic Birth,” and therefore was very well-informed of what goes on in many hospital settings. I didn’t trust hospitals and knew I wanted my baby to be born in a safe environment where the baby would remain with me and not be separated after birth, and where I wasn’t at risk of having unnecessary surgery. I had taken childbirth classes in the Bradley Method to prepare for a drug-free birth, during which we read about the many possible dangers to the baby of drugs during labor. I had interviewed and chosen a doula to provide labor support. I even chose to go to a birth center in New Hampshire, rather than having a home birth in Massachusetts where I live, because the laws regarding midwifery are different in New Hampshire and I knew that should I need to transfer to a medical facility, a New Hampshire midwife would get a lot more respect at a New Hampshire hospital than a Mass. midwife at a Mass. hospital. Midwives are actually licensed by the state of New Hampshire, and therefore are acknowledged providers there. [Read more…]

Increase Milk Supply; Advice From a Holistic Nutritionist

Apple-1Nathalie Norris from Glow Nutritional Consulting joined us for a live Facebook chat. We gathered all of that information and put it here for you to enjoy at your convenience. As a holistic nutritionist, Nathalie brings a unique perspective to the conversation of milk supply. In this empowering Q&A Nathalie addresses the common concerns of new mothers about whether she has enough milk to nourish her baby (hint, hint… YES!) and gives overall health tips to help mothers reach their health and breastfeeding goals.

Featured Recipe

Adrenal Nourishing Chickpea Salad: Click here for the video.

Makes 8+ mini meals, feel free to adjust the recipe to make a smaller amount. Keeps 5-6 days in the fridge. [Read more…]

A Baby’s Plea

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

A Baby’s Pleas by Guest Blogger Tom M 


Breastfeeding After C-Section by guest blogger “Keely Riffe”

mother breastfeeding newborn babay

I lost my little girl September 2011 to Anencephaly shortly after she was born. I had a c-section so I could hold her alive. In May 2012 I found out I was pregnant again. I was terrified. After finding out he was going to be perfectly healthy I calmed down. I started researching VBACs and I was dead set on having a natural birth (well as natural and peaceful as I could in a hospital) at 38 & a half weeks I went into labor.

[Read more…]

Perseverance Through Breastfeeding Struggles

by Kimberly

My daughter and I had a very rough start to breastfeeding.  I knew very little about it, besides I wanted to bf.  When she was born, she didn’t latch on like everyone said she would/should.  I had nurses grabbing my breast and shoving it into my daughters mouth (upsetting us both).  Then I was told she had trouble latching because I had flat nipples.  I had never heard of flat nipples but I was suddenly very ashamed of my body.  I felt disgusting and like a failure.  [Read more…]

F*** You, I Won’t Do What You Tell Me

**Disclaimer: This post is referencing mothers who are told that they must cover, not mother’s that choose to cover

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding in public.

There are attempts to control women all around us. A woman is expected to be sexy, but not so sexy that a man can no longer control his impulses. A woman is expected to be smart, but not so smart that she knows more than a man. A woman is expected to be successful, but not so successful so that she makes more money than a man. [Read more…]

Let Them Be: A Breastfeeding in Public Poem

by Tom M.

A mother has the right to nurse no matter when or where,
and should she do it openly the public shouldn’t care.

Her baby is a person with a common right to feed,
and no mother should be forced to flee to satisfy that need. [Read more…]