A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Growing Up in a Breastfeeding World

by Tom M

I’ve often read the concerns of women who are worried about their children seeing a mother breastfeeding. I’ve heard they might get the wrong idea about breasts, or they could be traumatized if they should happen to see a mother breastfeeding. Or it is disrespectful to other people’s children for a mother to breastfeed in their presence. Until I started reading these concerns I must admit I took my experiences as the son of a breastfeeding mother somewhat for granted. It was a way of life for me that wasn’t out of the ordinary so I never gave it much thought. It didn’t know it was strange to grow up like I did until I started seeing how people look at breastfeeding moms today. I still have trouble understanding how it can be viewed as gross or disgusting. Now I find myself appreciative that my mother took the time to educate and expose us to breastfeeding as kids. [Read more…]

Breastfeeding in Public From a Husband’s Perspective

bybreastfeee Brooks W

When my wife and I had our first child just over ten years ago we tried to breastfeed without too much luck. I never really saw anyone breastfeed before. Fast forward another 5 years we had our second child. Breastfeeding was going great.

Remember ten years ago I never really saw this. My wife was trying to breastfeed out in public. I was one of those guys that always said don’t do that. We will get in trouble or those dudes are staring at your breasts. I never knew laws allowed you to breastfeed in public back then. [Read more…]

The Most Awesome Comeback Ever: Breastfeeding in Public

Today I received an e-mail from a mother who is clearly doing her job to raise kids with a healthy understanding of the human body.


Alexis writes…

My son Eli is 6 years old and he is a fierce protector of his baby sister (Sydney, 11 months) and of me. We were in the park the other day and an elderly dude came up and asked him (Eli) if it was, “strange to see Mommy breastfeeding”. [Read more…]

Original Facebook Memes-5

Breakfast Club
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Trust Your Body and Your Baby

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

Trust Your Body and Your Baby


Legislation Is Sexy: Texans Need Your Help!

By Krisdee Donmoyer

Nurse-ins are sexy.

Not hubba hubba sexy, of course.  They have an allure.  Many breastfeeding advocates enjoy the powerful feeling of protest, the standing in solidarity to support breastfeeding mothers and babies.  Social media really amplifies the feeling, too – it’s exciting to feel swept up in something bigger than yourself, that feels so fast and furious and righteous.

Krisdee Donmoyer breastfeeding in public.

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My Interview with the San Diego Breastfeeding Center

Read this interview at the San Diego Breastfeeding Center!

Our Interview with Abby (THE Badass Breastfeeder) 


You Are Unstoppable

What are you struggling with right now? Milk supply? Mastitis? A nursing strike? A biting baby? A horrible mother-in-law? Money problems? An energetic toddler? Sleepless nights? Whatever it is that you are struggling with is small compared to what you have been through…

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!





Breastfeeding Mothers Persevere

The internet is full of photos shared by people who want to show off their happiest of moments. Breastfeeding mothers enjoy posting their breastfeeding photos on the internet to share them with friends, family and like-minded mothers. I do this often. My favorite photos are of Jack…

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!





Original Facebook Memes-4

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