A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Vitamin D and Iron Supplements For Breastfeeding Babies

There’s nothing scarier than thinking your baby isn’t getting the nutrients that they need. As adults we take vitamins all the time because we are told we are deficient. Does this mean our breastfeeding babies are too? Were you told to give Vitamin D or Iron to your baby?

The information out there right now is confusing, contradictory and misleading. Your breastmilk is enough. Period. Know that. Your breastmilk has everything your baby needs and it’s absorbed much better from your breastmilk than in any other form.

Vitamin D is low in breastmilk, but that’s because most of us are deficient. It’s not a problem with your breastmilk. The option here is to supplement your baby or yourself. Supplementing yourself is a win-win!

Let’s talk about this more! Click here to hear the full conversation!

Milk Supply Myths That Hurt Breastfeeding

I am always amazed at all the myths that still circulate about breastfeeding. At first glance they seem like an annoyance, but in reality they actually ruin breastfeeding relationships. When we do not have the correct information about what’s going on with our bodies and our babies we cannot possibly reach our breastfeeding goals!

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What To Do When Your Family Asks You To Cover Up When You’re Breastfeeding

Guest post by Lindsay White, Owner of The Little Milk Bar

Breastfeeding isn’t easy. In fact, it might be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. From the cluster feeds, to the all nighters, to the “no break” days… your baby literally depends on you for life. 

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PeapodMats Review and Giveaway!


Every parent can relate to the misery of changing the sheets in the middle of the night. Whether you have leaking breasts, sick kids (wow the mess!) or you’re in that potty training phase the fact is that your sheets are going to be a mess and no one is going to want to lie down on it or strip the bed at 3am. A couple of moms, Amanda and Liz, were chatting about this one day and PeapodMats was born. Let me tell you why this product stands out to me.

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Nursing Queen Breastfeeding Clothes; Review and Giveaway!

It’s true, when you have a brand new baby you don’t think much about what you look like. You’re just trying to survive. It’s still sinking in that this little baby needs you to survive so that they can survive. That’s heavy duty stuff. So, while you’re not much in the mindset of what’s currently in style, it’s a total myth that moms never care. We make jokes about living in yoga pants and never showering, but the truth is that we still want something stylish to wear that’s functional for our new role – like a great nursing top or dress.

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My Introduction To Parenthood

By Mellissa Harris

My husband and I are high school sweethearts and were together 7 years before deciding to get married. We were married on September 7th, 2013. That’s when the roller coaster started. I was pregnant the next month, we used the money we were supposed to spend on a honeymoon on a down payment to buy our first home which was purchased by November, and I got a new position at work while I was pregnant. I was projected to start after my maternity leave. Every aspect of my life changed that year! I became a mother, a wife, and a homeowner to a pretty big fixer-upper, and changing jobs. I was a hormonal mess! My current job, while I was pregnant, was an infant/toddler teacher to 8 babies at an Early Head Start center. I was frequently sick and did TONS of lifting. I was frequently asked when I was going on maternity leave because I needed a long term sub to cover my position. In my current position, we did not pay into state disability so I was not able to use that during my maternity leave. I had to calculate the hours I had with my baby postpartum and that was a frequent argument with my husband during my whole pregnancy. The maximum I could take was 6 weeks. That left me with ZERO sick time or vacation for the remainder of the year.

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What To Know About Breastfeeding And Custody Issues

By Wendy Wisner, IBCLC

It is never easy when you are faced with a custody dispute, and when breastfeeding is involved, things have the potential to get complicated, stressful, and downright awful – and at a quick pace.

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Breastfeeding Tattoo Gallery

Alicia Beaty

Amber Wright

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Reasons Your Child Wants To Breastfeed

Your child wants to breastfeed for so many reasons other than to fill their belly. 

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Breastfeeding Through the Night

For more on this topic click here for our podcast episode.

When my baby was just a couple months old my pediatrician told me that he should be sleeping 10-12 hours a night without waking up. He didn’t sleep anywhere near that (and still doesn’t at 7.5 years old). So naturally I freaked out! I thought there was something wrong with him. 

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