A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Milkies Breast Milk Jewelry Review

Days can feel like a lifetime as a breastfeeding mom. When things get rough we feel like our babies  will small forever and that we will be breastfeeding until the end of time. But one day you will look back and this will all be over. Your kids will be pulling on your shirt begging for that cool new gadget for their birthday or you’ll try to pick them up and realize that you can’t do it anymore. It might not seem like it now, as you lie here tired, another night of no sleep, sore nipples and secretly yearning for the day they finally wean. It sneaks up on you. 

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Reasons Your Child Wants To Breastfeed

Your child wants to breastfeed for so many reasons other than to fill their belly. 

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17 More Days

By Jenny Manos

Jenny Manos pumping at work

17 more days.
17 more days until I reach my goal of nursing my second child for an entire year.
13 more days of pumping at work.
I pumped because I couldn’t afford to stay home the whole time I was nursing. [Read more…]

What To Do If Your Family or Friends Criticize You For Extended Breastfeeding

By Wendy Wisner, IBCLC

Every breastfeeding mama is going to receive criticism at some point or another. Whether it’s about breastfeeding in public, how frequently you’re breastfeeding, your reluctance to introduce a bottle or supplement with formula, or whatever else.

BUT, if you end up breastfeeding beyond a certain number of months – or god forbid, a year or more – you are definitely going to get at least a little judgement. Most likely, a whole lotta judgement. [Read more…]

The Badass Breastfeeding Podcast

Contest Word Raffle Drawing Jackpot Prize

Our BIG news is finally here! THE BADASS BREASTFEEDING PODCAST is hosting the ultimate breastfeeding Photo Contest with a grand prize that will make you squeal! Abby and Dianne, hosts of the podcast, will choose 10 finalists. These 10 photos will be posted on Instagram and Facebook for the badass community to vote on. All of the 10 finalists will win a bundle of Badass Breastfeeder gear (My Mom is a Badass Breastfeeder t-shirt, key chain and pack of empowerment cards.) The photo with the most combined Likes will be the VERY FIRST GUEST ON THE BADASS BREASTFEEDING PODCAST! Yep, an entire episode featuring you and your breastfeeding story!

Excited? We thought so…

To enter:

Send an email titled “Photo Contest” to [email protected]. Only photos that are emailed will be entered. Your photo should express what breastfeeding looks like to you. This means anything (EP, tandem, SNS, etc). However breastfeeding looks to you and your nursling!

The 10 finalists will be announced October 10th. The grand prize winner will be announced October 18th!

This contest is not endorsed by Facebook or Instagram.

Disclaimer: If your photo is chosen as a finalist, your photo will be shared publicly!

(With Dianne Cassidy Consulting)


Breastfeeding Through Harassment

By Badass Roni

Badass Roni tandem breastfeeding, extended breastfeeding

My photo of me proudly tandem nursing my babies was shared a couple times yesterday. But only this account [an account on Instagram not named here] got me receiving rude comments. At first I was hot with anger (“who the f*ck are they to write anything about my kid’s age?”) and why do people have to say anything negative in general? I’ve literally never left a rude, off comment on anyone’s page ever. I keep it moving when I see something I don’t agree with.

[Read more…]

My Birthday Breastfeeding Story

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, tandem breastfeeding

I have made various posts lately asking you all to share how long you have been nursing. Even I get surprised at how many of us are nursing toddlers and small children. [Read more…]

Extended Breastfeeding

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding beyond infancy, extended breastfeeding

This is my father-in-law. I’ve posted about him before because he has an interesting breastfeeding story. I’m posting again because he died a couple of weeks ago at 92 years old. And I’d like to share his story again.

His parents immigrated here from what is now Poland and he was born in New York City in 1925. He was breastfed for 3 or 4 years. He remembers breastfeeding from his mother. He never thought that this was strange. His memories of breastfeeding were just like any other memory he had of his mother nurturing him.

Grandpa Lou was always supportive of my work here. Whenever I saw him he asked about this community and all of you. He talked about breastfeeding openly. I breastfed openly and comfortably in front of him. He talked passionately and constantly of social justice issues. He made connections between the breastfeeding movement and women’s issues such as the sexualizing of the female body and women’s role in society.

I have heard too many times over the years that I need to stop breastfeeding my sons because they are getting older and will remember it. People tell me that if they can remember it later they will be traumatized and psychologically damaged. I know this to be utter garbage because I knew an adult who remembered breastfeeding. He was intelligent, gentle, kind, an influential sociologist and researcher, a veteran of the United States Navy, a lover of music and art and a loving father and husband.

Which of these do I not want to pass onto my children exactly?

My Weaning Story

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, weaning story

My blog is 6 years old this week. Exley was hanging out on my lap today while Jack was playing video games when I realized that by the blog’s 7th birthday I won’t be breastfeeding anymore. Jack is on his second week of not nursing. And this guy asked to nurse today, but only because I was about to post this! He goes days between asking. It won’t be long now. When he nursed he asked why there was no milk. I said he can still nurse, but that the milk is gone. I explained that as kids gets bigger and eat more food they nurse less and eventually there is no more milk. This is all part of the journey. Whether you’ve followed from the beginning or are just joining us you’re witnessing my weaning story.

Breastfeeding Is Your Journey and No One Else’s

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, extended breastfeeding

There is not a single voice that matters in this decision besides you and your child’s. A person wrote to me recently about how she had promised her husband that she would stop breastfeeding by 3 years old. Well, the child is now 3 years old and she does not want to stop breastfeeding, but her husband is pressuring her to stop. I told her that her husband’s opinion will matter when he is the one breastfeeding. Too harsh? No. A breastfeeding relationship belongs to the owner of the breast and the one suckling on said breast. Period.