By Shae
When I was born my parents were thrilled and determined to parent the right way. Well, I suppose they did the best they could with what knowledge they had. They wanted the perfect little nursery for their perfect little girl. So there I was, newly entered into the world, torn from my mama, and already I had my own room. It wasn’t as cozy as you may think. They did “sleep training” and made me cry it out to teach me to “self-soothe.” I often had bad dreams and woke up crying all night. But they stuck with “self-soothing.” As an infant, or maybe a toddler, I developed night terrors. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term, night terrors are far worse than your average nightmare. You wake up panicking, often paralyzed, and absolutely terrified. As in, gun-to-your-head-watching-someone-you-know-being-killed terrified! There just aren’t words to describe the feeling, and no, I’m not exaggerating by any means. [Read more…]