Hi. My name is Alecia and I practice what is commonly referred to as “attachment parenting”. (This can mean many things in practice but the general idea of “AP” is for the parent to focus on connecting with and respecting the unique needs of each child.) I have also been diagnosed with attachment disorder. Now many of you may be saying to yourselves, “What in the world is she talking about?! You can’t have attachment disorder and be an attachment parent! That’s impossible!” But I am here to tell you that it is not only possible, it happens every day in the homes of people like me who choose to be parent consciously and compassionately. [Read more…]
Wounded Children and Attachment Disorder: This is Why Attachment Parenting Matters by guest blogger Alecia
Listen to Your Heart
By Eve Burns
Buddy (my 18 month old) woke up at 2 am the other night, which is unusual since he usually sleeps all night. (I almost said he’s been sleeping through the night, but did you know that the medical definition of sleeping through the night is five hours? I know, right?) He was doing that really mournful stop-and-start cry. So I waited about two minutes to see if he’d just go right back to sleep. No dice. So I went to him, gave him some boob and he went peacefully back to sleep.
He went peacefully back to sleep.
I could have just let him cry and he’d eventually drift off. No, not drift off. He’d cry and cry until he gave up and fell asleep. [Read more…]
What is the Difference Between Attachment Parenting/Gentle Parenting and Permissive Parenting?
For me, Atachment Parenting (AP) does not mean permissive, however, I have noticed that it becomes that way for some. I think the problem lies in starting out AP with infants when their wants and needs are the same. Often we have come from backgrounds of very mainstream parenting and so the discipline we know is spanking, time outs, etc. but we don’t want to use those types of practices on our children as they get older. People don’t know how to teach and guide their children any other way so end up getting walked all over; they want their children to be happy, and are afraid of their big emotions. Another aspect of this issue is that there seems to be this either/or mentality; either the parents are in control or their children are. The fact that there is another option of mutual respect and understanding of a child’s developmental capabilities, etc. does not seem to occur to some or factor in to how they deal with conflict as it arises. I give my children quite a bit of freedom compared to many parents of toddlers I know, but the difference is that when they are “acting out,” for lack of a better sense of the word, I look for the need behind the behavior rather than treating them like they are being “bad” just for the sake of it. I stay connected to them so that I am easier able to figure out what is underlying their behavior. Most importantly, I respect their autonomy and their feelings, and provide plenty of opportunity to have control over their lives. Every situation is new and is dealt with separately, not like an ongoing issue, because that’s how toddlers think. And I don’t shame them. When I need to set a limit, I do so gently, “I’m not going to let you do that.” Or “you have already had 2 cookies, I don’t want you to have another right now.” And if the limit involves an action, like they are about to hit or kick or grab, I will gently hold their hand or foot; holding the limit, while also stating it. If this induces crying, I don’t try to stop that or fix it; I just stay with them, supporting that release of feelings. This has helped us through many transitions and rough patches. I read Alfie Kohn, Naomi Aldort, Magda Gerber, Pam Leo…there are many others.
By Alice Romolo
Books, Books and No More Books: Attachment Parenting With Mess Makers
Happy Father’s Day
When I was about 12 years old I opened our refrigerator and took 2 of my dad’s beers and slipped them into my back pack. I said goodbye to my parents and went over to my friend’s house a couple blocks away for a sleepover. I thought if we could each drink a beer really fast we might see what it was like to be tipsy. I was at her house for about an hour when her mom said I had a phone call. It was my dad. “Abigail, did you take 2 of my beers?” [Read more…]
Gentle Parenting is Not Anti-Spanking
Gentle parenting is PRO-gentle discipline.
Gentle parenting is not about what we don’t do. It’s about what we DO.
I recently overheard someone telling another person about gentle parenting. She said “we don’t spank, we don’t do leave our babies to cry.” I hear too much about what we don’t do as gentle parents. To me this misses the point entirely. [Read more…]
A Personal Story of Abuse
By “C”
I survived being spanked.
That’s really the point, isn’t it? I just… survived.
I remember running from my father in true terror that still sends chills down my spine, while he took off his belt in preparation for a spanking. [Read more…]
My House is Dirty, but My Conscience is Clean
If you walk around barefoot in my house you will collect this week’s activities on the bottom of your feet. Oats, crumbs, uncooked pasta, cat food. This will all be held nicely together by the sticky popsicle juice. These are all things that Jack likes to play with. I try to clean about once a week, but it usually happens about every other week. I like a clean house. I am not one of these messy-by-nature people. If you follow my blog you will know that I come from a very rigid place. I like things neat, clean and in their place. Since Jack was born one of the many opportunities for growth has been how to let that go a little bit. I throw toys in baskets at the end of the day and load the dishwasher. That’s a successful day for us.