Jack (4.5 years) and I started a game where we fell into the foam pit backwards. Exley (18 months) started to join in. One of the times Exley came over and flopped onto my chest. He pulled at my shirt, Jack saw this and yelled, “boobie time!” They both latched on for about a minute and then I said, “ok, that’s good!” And then we started to play again. [Read more…]
I Judge You
By Abby Theuring, MSW
The “mommy wars” are imaginary. They do not exist.
People judge. It’s normal and it’s natural. It’s not a human flaw. It’s not that people haven’t heard the whole story. It’s just what happens with humans. We judge each other. We are social creatures and this is in our nature. We do not have to stop. We do not have a major character flaw. [Read more…]
11 Tandem Nursing Myths Busted
By Abby Theuring, MSW and Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC
The amount of misinformation about breastfeeding is staggering so it’s sort of surprising to me that when it comes to tandem breastfeeding the problem is that there is very little information at all! Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA and I (both of us have tandem nursed) are here to help you navigate the world of tandem nursing myths. [Read more…]
Weaning: Your Story. You Own It.
By Wendy Wisner
We need to come up with new language for long-term breastfeeding.
Here’s the thing: I’ve used all the terms myself. I have said I’m doing “child-led weaning.” I’ve called it “natural weaning.” I say often that I am nursing my children “until they are done.” I have called myself an “extended breastfeeder” and I have said I am nursing my kids “long-term.” [Read more…]
Badass Breastfeeder of the Week: 6-8-15
Badass April shares, “This is our first recorded (second latch) after finishing chemo and pumping and dumping for almost 5 full months. When people told me I was crazy for trying this I stuck to my guns. I wasn’t letting cancer take away my God given right to nurse my last born child. It was a battle I fought and won! Relatching was a battle too after all those months of bottles and he was1 day shy of 4 weeks old when we started chemo and just turned 6 months when I got the ok to nurse. Feel free to share away as I had a hard time finding positive stories of mommas in my situation. Most I found the moms tried to pump but ended up quitting due to the side effects of chemo!”