By guest blogger Cyndi
I have been nursing my oldest for 35.5 months and counting and nursing my youngest so far for 1 week.
I did not stub my toe today. [Read more…]
By guest blogger Cyndi
I have been nursing my oldest for 35.5 months and counting and nursing my youngest so far for 1 week.
I did not stub my toe today. [Read more…]
By guest blogger Kayce
I recently gave birth to my third baby girl, Samara. I’m twenty seven years old and my girls are 7 and 3 months. My middle daughter, Emma Blyss, would be turning 4 this year but she now resides in heaven. She passed away suddenly and completely unexpected on May 12, 2012. The day before Mother’s Day and two weeks before her second birthday. To this day we still do not know why as it was deemed natural causes.
I was never raised up to believe that breastfeeding was the best thing a mother could do for their child and still have very little support from my family. I’m forced to cover or be closed in a back room when I’m at a family member’s house. I even bear rude, ridiculous comments. I choose to breastfeed all three children. Honestly, I look to your awesome blog as my one and only support system (besides my wonderful husband). I’m very thankful I found such a badass group of moms.
Jack’s wiener was a surprise upon his birth. We decided we didn’t want to know early and wanted to be surprised. We did want a boy, but not so much that I ever thought I’d be disappointed with a girl. When I became pregnant with my second child last year I felt a desire to have a girl. [Read more…]
Often when I post about a woman who has been harassed while breastfeeding in public or a blog post advocating for the fair treatment of breastfeeding women I see comments such as these:
“I breastfeed in public and have never been harassed.”
“You all must be do something different than me because I have never experienced this.” [Read more…]
by guest blogger Wendy Wisner, IBCLC
I’m writing this as I lie in the dark at 9:30pm nursing my 14 month old back to sleep. He fell asleep about two hours ago and here he is again, wanting to nurse. He woke up and I wasn’t there. He let out a small cry, a complaint, and when I came into the bedroom, he was beginning to sit up. Now, two minutes later, he’s rolled away from my breast and is back in a deep sleep. [Read more…]
Hi. My name is Alecia and I practice what is commonly referred to as “attachment parenting”. (This can mean many things in practice but the general idea of “AP” is for the parent to focus on connecting with and respecting the unique needs of each child.) I have also been diagnosed with attachment disorder. Now many of you may be saying to yourselves, “What in the world is she talking about?! You can’t have attachment disorder and be an attachment parent! That’s impossible!” But I am here to tell you that it is not only possible, it happens every day in the homes of people like me who choose to be parent consciously and compassionately. [Read more…]
By Eve Burns
Buddy (my 18 month old) woke up at 2 am the other night, which is unusual since he usually sleeps all night. (I almost said he’s been sleeping through the night, but did you know that the medical definition of sleeping through the night is five hours? I know, right?) He was doing that really mournful stop-and-start cry. So I waited about two minutes to see if he’d just go right back to sleep. No dice. So I went to him, gave him some boob and he went peacefully back to sleep.
He went peacefully back to sleep.
I could have just let him cry and he’d eventually drift off. No, not drift off. He’d cry and cry until he gave up and fell asleep. [Read more…]
Hello my name is Teddy, I am the creator of The Pregnancy & Parenthood Blog. I am a stay at home mother of two wonderful children and I have my 3rd baby on the way. I would like to thank Badass Breastfeeder for this great opportunity to share my breastfeeding story, Here we go!!!!
I knew as soon as I found out that I was pregnant with my first (my daughter) that I wanted to breastfeed. One thing I didn`t know was how hard it was going to be and how many ups and downs I was going to have during the next 13 months that I was breastfeeding!! The day that my daughter was born, the first thing that the nurses got me to do was try and breastfeed her, but it being my first time and all, I had no clue what I was doing so the nurses tried to help me. We started off with a few bumps in the road where my daughter kept putting her tongue to the back of her throat which wouldn’t allow her to latch on at all, but finally after hours of trying we were successful… but that was not the end of our problems. The next morning the nurses came into my room to check my daughters temperature and noticed that she had a really high fever. The doctor than informed me that my daughter would have to be hooked up to an IV for the next 48 hours so that they could monitor her and get her temperature down. They soon found out that the reason her temp was so high was because she was dehydrated from not eating enough , this was do to the lack of colostrum and milk my breasts were producing (pretty much I wasn’t producing anything) I felt absolutely horrible that I could not tell, I felt like a bad mom that I was unable to breastfeed my daughter. I had never felt so down in my life and of course the hormones running through my body didn’t help either…but in the next 24 hours things started to get A LOT better!! [Read more…]