Days can feel like a lifetime as a breastfeeding mom. When things get rough we feel like our babies will small forever and that we will be breastfeeding until the end of time. But one day you will look back and this will all be over. Your kids will be pulling on your shirt begging for that cool new gadget for their birthday or you’ll try to pick them up and realize that you can’t do it anymore. It might not seem like it now, as you lie here tired, another night of no sleep, sore nipples and secretly yearning for the day they finally wean. It sneaks up on you.
A Review of Baby Bee Hummingbirds Keepsake Jewelry
I love watching my kids grow up. I learn something new about them every day. But it also gives me pangs of sadness when I realize that each passing moment is history. I will never get this time back with them. I look at photos of my 4-year-old as a baby and I feel like I barely remember those days! My 16-month-old is toddling around and I will never hold his newborn body in my arms again, I will never feel that new-mom vulnerability, never feel the intensity of having a new baby completely dependent on me every moment. [Read more…]